Month: August 2013

Spicing up your taste buds – Chengdu

Spicing up your taste buds! The capital of the Sichuan Province, Chengdu is famous for the Great Pandas and their spicy cuisine. But it is not just any ordinary spice, it is called 麻辣 (Ma La). This spice came from the pepper 花椒 (Hua Jiao) which cause numbness to the tongue when bitten on. The typical sichuanese cuisine usually cooked with lots of chili, pepper and oil. If you have the love for spicy food, Chengdu is definitely the place to visit! Click on the photos to read more about the food! 大蓉和 (Da Rong He) 成都高新区紫荆南路68号 Verdict: Highly recommended! Can’t go to Chengdu without eating at this restaurant! 虾佬圣汤 (Mr Prawn’s Holy Soup) 营康西路 四川省成都市金牛区营康西路 Verdict: Must go! 南粥北面 (Nan Zhou Bei Mian) 成都市通锦桥同心路171号  Verdict: Worth trying! Healthy stuff! 雅安倪记老面馆 (Ya An Ni Ji Lau Mian Guan)  成都市武侯区双元街6号(近大石西路) Verdict: Yes! Well patronized by the locals 大妙 (Da Sha) 成都市锦江区石牛堰河滨路6号(河滨印象对面) Verdict: Your adventure in Chengdu is not complete without getting your taste buds exposed to the sichuanese hotpot! 滋味烤鱼 (Zi Wei Kao Yu) 成都市武侯区广福桥北街6号附9号 Verdict: Must …